Another day....more destruction!
So, today was relatively stress free, though every time my contractor calls i hear "$KACHING$ instead of my regular (buffy the vampire slayer theme song) ring.
so, today the wall started to come down! and then there was this problem of a vent. stupid stupid vents!
BUT, contractor said vent moving should be doable, so i think more of the wall can come down tomorrow. here's a picture of the new view from the living room and the stupid vent.

The other big progress today was the movement of the door to the basement. well, the new hole, the current door is still in place and the new door is not yet installed...

Things are going pretty fast. I need to order my floors and start preparing for my job of the entire process..the kitchen install!
Demolition is underway!
Demolition is very exciting, and very terrifying. My budget is tight, so I don't have a lot of room for unexpected surprises. So, naturally, on day 1, there were some not-completely unexpected, but still a problem, surprises. So, we'll start here:

This used to be the kitchen. It will eventually become the dining room.
Here is the first problem. See the exposed brick? that was supposed to be the new location for the basement door. However, see the big steel beam in the second picture? that is holding up my second floor. Now see the curvy duct thing. that meant problems too. Bottom line, to add the additional doorway would have involved high level engineering and much much money that I don't have.

So, what now? I still need a basement door and it's current location is inconvenient if i want, oh anything, in my kitchen. So i will be moving it around the corner from it's current spot.
Here's just a general shots of the rest of the room:

So, since i can't put the door where planned, i had to completely redo the kitchen layout. in one night. The contractor wants to run the new water and electrical tomorrow, so I needed to decide where to put everything.
So, here's the new plan.
An overhead shot-

And some 3D images:

I'm excited (and scared) to see what tomorrow will bring!