What a difference a day (and $700) can make!
wow! it was a budget buster, but my decision to hire someone to completely remove my floor the joists and reinstall new subfloor was the right one.
they arrived at nine and by 11 had the floor up. by 1, the room looked like this:

Next they showed me how to install the floor, and since i ordered pizza and they were waiting for it to arrive, helped me install most of it and hooked up my stove!

I was going to finish the floor but decided to install a new light switch first. unfortunately it got dark and i have something wired wrong because, um, the light won't turn on.
I was looking to put a wall sconce above the stove simply because there are wires there, but yesterday at ikea i saw, and bought this light...

wow, i have a stove again! i can cook! there is an end in sight!
When good floors go bad....
I was pulling up the floor and all was going well. Two layers of flooring coming up rather easily and leaving this behind...

looks nice, ey? so then a top layer of whatever the subfloor is made of started to come up, but it was still pretty easy to handle...

and then...i got to the sink area. apparently there is a bunch of water damage and suddenly i have from what seems to be a brazillion layers coming up. okay, at least feight....
1. wood subflooring of some sort
2. unidentifiable floor tile
3. another unidentifiable floor tile.
4. some black layer of something that has been nailed to the floor.
5. a layer of sheet flooring
6. another layer of subflooring, stapled down
7. sheet flooring
8. vinyl tile.

This doesn't even begin to truly capture the horror.
So now what? I'm either going to keep going and see if i can define "edges" to this disaster and then lay plywood subfloor to make it all level again, or, call someone and have them deal with this mess, budget be damned.
I'm just like my mother....
My mother cleans for the cleaning lady and is always appalled by the state of her (always pretty immaculate) house.
I painted the kitchen months ago but have been putting off taking pictures because i thought i should clean up first. Tonight i realized that's rediculous. I'm renovating for crying out loud. It's a disaster!
So, its green. really really green.

See, green. Notice, i'm not painting any place that will have cabinets. I'm not taking down the wall paper either. Future owners be warned!
I installed the light fixture. The arms are currently taped to the ceiling because i don't want to screw it in place until the cabinets are installed so i can adjust the arms perfectly...

I've been working on the floor. it is alternatively difficut to pull up and really easy. it's easy when the top layer of subfloor pulls up with the floor. for the more difficult parts i've broken down and bought the heavy duty chemicas to eat through the glue. I'm hoping to get it done by the weekend but it may not happen. it's taken about four days to do this much....
I'm multitalented...
So, in the middle of the kitchen work i decided i needed a new porch light. Found one i liked on sale and installed it last weekend. doesn't it look pretty?
I also made some kitchen progress. I finished moving around electrical. It may not look like much, but i needed electrical access higher on this wall for the future appliance garage. the wall is cinderblock so I had to run the wires using plugmold on the outside of the wall.

These two outlets were just moved. there used to be an outlet high on the wall and i dropped it ot the floor so the fridge can eventually be plugged in. The other outlet was just dropped by about 6" so that it would line up with the light switch on the same wall.
And finally, i took down the big flourescent light box. i was a bit scared of what i would find underneat, but the ceiling was in fine shape and the wires were even in a ceiling box!
This the light i will install, it is bendable so i can adust the angles:

I also primed the walls and then painted yesterday. Pictures of the painted kitchen to follow!